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Your marketing is broken (here's the neuroscience fix)

No, it's not another 'hack' or 'growth trick'...

The problem with surface-level marketing

We've all been there. You spend hours crafting what you think is a "killer" marketing message. You hit publish with a smug grin, sit back, and wait for the flood of engagement.

And then...


No likes. No shares. No sales. Nada.

It's like shouting into a black hole.

I call this "surface-level marketing," and it's a silent killer lurking in 90% of businesses I see.

It's not just bad marketing. It's worse.

Surface-level marketing is why most entrepreneurs stay stuck on the hamster wheel, running faster and faster but going absolutely nowhere.

But it's not your fault.

Nobody taught us how to tap into what really makes humans tick.

Until now.

Enter the Life-Force 8 (LF8)

Every decision we make boils down to 8 core human desires—the stuff that keeps us up at night and drives us to take action. These aren’t just “wants.” They’re hardwired into our brains.

I didn't invent this.

Drew Whitman calls them the Life-Force 8 (LF8) in Cashvertising. And if you’re not using them in your marketing, you’re leaving serious money on the table.

Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Survival & life extension – Think health, fitness, living longer.

  2. Freedom from fear & pain – Security, insurance, peace of mind.

  3. Sexual companionship – Everything from dating apps to fashion.

  4. Comfortable living – Home products, real estate, anything that screams “ease.”

  5. To win & feel superior – Status symbols, luxury goods, things that show you’re ahead.

  6. Care for loved ones – Family, pets, children. Protection and well-being.

  7. Social approval – Likes, followers, personal development. The stuff that gets attention.

  8. Personal growth – Learning, self-improvement, being a better version of yourself.

These are the desires behind every purchase decision. Nail them.

Here's the deal:

Your marketing is broken. Here’s why—and how to fix it.

5 symptoms. 5 solutions. No fluff.

And you’re not waiting until tomorrow or next week. You’re doing this today. Right now.

Why the urgency?

  1. Your competition is already implementing this while you're reading this email.

  2. Your ideal customers are losing sleep over problems you can solve. They'd throw money at you TODAY if you spoke directly to their pain.

  3. No one ever built a 7-figure business with "meh" marketing.

Let's dive deep.

🔍 The LF8 marketing pyramid

I need you to burn this diagram into your brain.

  1. Top Level: These are the 8 core desires hardwired into every human brain. They're not wants; they're needs.

  2. Middle Level: This shows how each desire translates into a marketing angle. It's your bridge from psychology to practical application.

  3. Bottom Level: These are concrete examples of headlines that tap into each desire. Use these as inspiration, not templates!

How to use it:

  • Identify which 1-3 desires your product or service primarily fulfills.

  • Craft your main message around these desires, not features or generic benefits.

  • For each piece of content you create, consciously choose one desire to target.

(Can't see the image? You're probably using a slower email client like Proton 😛 . No worries - grab the diagram for free here. Save it, study it, use it to 10x your marketing.)

5 symptoms of broken marketing (and how to fix them)

Symptom 1: Generic benefit statements

Your copy is full of "save time" and "make more money." But so is everyone else's. If this hits a little too close to home, don't feel bad. It's common.

Action step: Choose ONE desire that aligns with your product. Rewrite your main headline to speak directly to that desire. No more "we help you grow your business." Get specific and emotional.

Symptom 2: Copying competitor's messaging

Newsflash: If you're copying your competition, you're always going to be in second place.

At best, you're the store-brand cereal to their Frosted Flakes.

So here's what you're gonna do instead:

Action step: Set your phone timer for 30 minutes. Write down your best guess at the top 3 deep desires of your ideal customer. Not surface-level wants, but core, emotional needs. When the timer goes off, reach out to an actual customer or prospect and ask them what they're really struggling with.

Symptom 3: Focusing on features, not emotions

Your website reads like a spec sheet. You've listed every feature of your product or service.

Your customers don’t care.

They care about how you're going to make their lives better, their dreams closer, their fears smaller.

Action step: Choose ONE feature and write a paragraph about how it fulfills one of the LF8 desires. Send it to five people in your target market, and ask if it resonates. Real-world emotional feedback beats logic every time.

You've tried every new marketing tactic that pops up on Twitter. Reels, threads, carousel posts – you name it. But your message still isn't landing.

Action step: Grab a notebook. Write down the top three LF8 desires that your product or service fulfills. Spend 25 minutes crafting a message that speaks to just ONE of these desires, regardless of platform. Because no trend or tactic will magically make your marketing resonate. Emotional connection is the only thing that creates loyal customers.

Symptom 5: Waiting for the "perfect angle"

You've convinced yourself you'll start really marketing when you find that magical unique angle. But unfortunately, the perfect angle never seems to arrive.

Action step: Pick ONE of the LF8 desires. Write a single social media post or email that speaks directly to that desire. Publish it today, regardless of how "perfect" you think it is.

The old adage remains true: The best time to connect deeply with your audience was yesterday. The second best time is now.

The golden rule of emotional marketing

Every successful brand started with a bunch of imperfect, but emotionally resonant messages. And of course, your goal shouldn't be to eliminate logic entirely — you need to find the right balance between appealing to emotions and showcasing your value.

Here's a simple rule of thumb: For every rational benefit you share, provide at least two emotional reasons why it matters. Because you'll never be rewarded for staying on the surface. Rewards come with real, emotional connections.

Your action checklist

So here's what you're going to do right now:

  1. Ditch the generic benefits: Open your website. Rewrite your main headline using ONE Life-Force 8 desire. Do it now.

  2. Stop copying competitors: Set a 30-minute timer. List your customers' deep emotional needs. Then talk to 3 real customers to validate.

  3. Features ≠ benefits: Choose your top feature. Rewrite it as an emotional benefit using LF8. Send it to 5 customers for feedback.

  4. Quit chasing trends: Craft one core message based on a single LF8 desire. Ignore platforms. Focus on resonance.

  5. Perfectionism kills progress: Write one email or social post that speaks to an LF8 desire. Publish it today. No excuses.

Remember, the key is to move from surface-level tactics to deep emotional connections. Start small, but start now. Imperfect resonance is better than perfect blandness when it comes to marketing.

And that's all for today.



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