Your clients are laughing at your pitch

Stop begging for gigs. Here's how to make clients chase YOU (5 uncensored truths inside)

You're probably doing it all wrong.

Spending hours crafting the perfect portfolio? Waste of time. Cold DMing every business owner on Twitter? Amateur hour. Lowering your rates to compete? You're digging your own grave.

Finding clients isn't about being the best writer or having the prettiest website.

It's about being in the right place, at the right time, with the right message.

Let's break it down 👇️ 

1. Fish where the fish are

Stop hanging out in freelancer groups circle-jerking about how hard it is to find clients. Your clients aren't there.


  • Join industry-specific groups where your target clients hang out

  • Attend conferences (virtual or in-person) in your niche

  • Be active on the platforms your ideal clients use (hint: it's probably not TikTok—or maybe it is)

If you're not where your clients are, you don't exist to them.

2. Solve real problems

Nobody gives a shit about your "passion for words" or your degree.

What they care about:

  • Increasing their traffic

  • Boosting their conversions

  • Establishing thought leadership

Show them how your content does that.

Don't just say you're a "content writer." Be the "B2B SaaS Traffic Multiplier" or the "E-commerce Conversion Catalyst."

Solve problems. Get paid.

3. Leverage your network (Yes, you have one)

You're connected to more potential clients than you think.

  • That cousin who runs a small business? Potential client.

  • Your old college roommate working at a startup? Potential client.

  • The local coffee shop you visit every day? You guessed it.

Stop looking for strangers to buy from you when you're surrounded by opportunities.

4. Create content about creating content

Meta, right? But it works.

  • Write LinkedIn posts about content strategy

  • Start a newsletter sharing writing tips

  • Create Twitter threads on the impact of great copy

Show, don't tell. When you demonstrate your expertise, clients come to you.

5. Perfect your pitch

Your pitch sucks. There, I said it.

Stop with the "I'm a passionate writer looking for opportunities" BS.

Instead: "I helped a SaaS startup increase their blog traffic by 200% in 3 months. Want to see how we could do the same for you?"

Results. Specificity. Value proposition. That's what gets responses.

I talk more about this in the next newsletter—stay tuned.

The bottom line

Finding clients isn't rocket science. But it does require you to get up and take action.

Stop making excuses. Stop waiting for the perfect moment.

Get out there. Be visible. Solve problems. Provide value.

Do this consistently, and you won't be looking for clients.

They'll be looking for you.

Kiyo đź‘‹ 


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