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  • The 'holy grail' of recurring revenue (it's not what you think)

The 'holy grail' of recurring revenue (it's not what you think)

This is the real secret to predictable income in your business...

Let's cut the BS for a second.

I'm about to piss off a lot of "gurus" with this email. (Sorry, not sorry.)

If you're new to this game, you might want to sit this one out. But if you're serious about scaling your business and tired of the same old rehashed advice, keep reading.

Here's the deal: Most of you are doing content marketing completely wrong.

Yeah, I said it.

You're on this endless hamster wheel, churning out content, chasing likes, and wondering why your bank account isn't reflecting all that "hustle." We’ve talked about this before.

I'm about to drop some truth bombs in this newsletter that'll make you rethink everything you've been told about making money online.

The 3 deadly sins of content creators

Your offer sucks (Sorry, Someone Had to Say It)

Look, the market's getting smarter. That half-baked offer you threw together after watching a few YouTube videos? It's not cutting it anymore.

You're busy worrying about "engagement" and "algorithms" when the real problem is staring you in the face: Your offer is a dumpster fire.

Those 18-year-old growth gurus (or adults acting like them) have you chasing vanity metrics while your business is built on quicksand.

Your backend is non-existent

Here's a little secret: You could’ve made an extra $5K last month without lifting a finger.

How? Have a backend system that works.

Most of you are so busy trying to land the next client that you're leaving money on the table with the ones you already have.

You need a "world" for your clients, not just a one-night stand of a service.

You don't have a sales ecosystem

One-off purchases are for amateurs. You're playing checkers while the real players are playing chess.

You need an ecosystem where followers seamlessly become customers, and customers effortlessly turn into high-ticket clients.

It's not about working harder; it's about building smarter systems.

The wake-up call you didn't know you needed

Alright, now that I've probably offended half of you, let's talk solutions.

I'm going to give you the blueprint that's helped me land high-ticket clients. For free 👇️ 

The holy trinity of content domination

Omnipresence: Be everywhere or be nowhere

Posting once a day on Twitter isn't "content marketing." It's barely even trying.

Here's the real deal:

  • 1 long-form piece weekly (blog/video)

  • 5 social media posts extracted from it

  • 1 email newsletter

  • 3 Reels/TikToks/Shorts

  • 1 LinkedIn article

That's 11 pieces from ONE source. Do this for a year, and you're looking at 572 touch points.

Overwhelmed? Good. That's the point. That’s strategic omnipresence.

Value ladders: The art of the perpetual upsell

Your free content is just the gateway drug. Here's how to structure your offers:

  • Freebie (Lead Magnet)

  • Tripwire ($7-$27)

  • Core Offer ($297-$997)

  • High-Ticket ($2,000+)

Set this up right, and you'll have customers begging to give you more money.

Ascension loops: The money printer

This is where the pros play. Create an ecosystem where customers naturally level up:

  • Low-cost membership ($29/month)

  • Quarterly workshops ($497)

  • Annual mastermind ($10,000)

Do this right, and you'll never worry about cash flow again.

The #1 launch sequence

Want to know how to launch a product that sells out fast? Here's my exact email sequence:

  • Day 1: Disrupt their reality

    • Challenge their current thinking or assumptions to grab attention.

  • Day 2: Paint the dream

    • Show them a vivid picture of what success looks like.

  • Day 3: Show them it's possible (case study)

    • Provide real-world examples that prove the dream is attainable.

  • Day 4: Give them the roadmap

    • Give them a clear, easy-to-follow path to get where they want to go.

  • Day 5: Bridge the gap

    • Address their doubts and show how they can overcome obstacles.

  • Day 6: Create a sense of urgency

    • Let them know why now is the best time to act.

  • Day 7: Light a fire under their ass

    • Create FOMO so intense they can't help but take action.

The golden rules:

  1. Each email should deliver a punch to the gut and leave them craving more.

  2. Use storytelling to keep them glued to every word.

  3. Always give value, even if they don't buy.

  4. If they haven't opened by email 3, tag them as a "cold lead" and move them to a re-engagement sequence.

  5. For those engaging but not buying, create a "downsell" offer on Day 8.

The follow-up strategy:

  • Day 10: Send a "Did you miss out?" email to non-buyers. Offer a time-sensitive "last chance" opportunity.

  • Day 30: Re-engage cold leads with new content, not sales pitches.

  • Day 90: If still no engagement, purge them from your list. A clean list is a profitable list (seriously, get rid of them)!

Each email should make them feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves.

The last word

Look, I could go on, but if you haven't gotten the message by now, you're probably not ready for it.

This isn't just theory. This is the real deal, battle-tested stuff that's made me and my clients real money.

If you're ready to stop playing small and start building an empire, here's what I want you to do:

  1. Pick ONE thing from this email

  2. Implement it in the next 24 hours

  3. Reply with your results

Talk soon,


P.S. If this free stuff blew your mind, imagine what my paid one-on-one consulting is like. Just saying.


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