The 3-3-3 content strategy

A content creation cheat code

Stand up, show up…

I'm writing this from my standing desk, feeling a bit like a productivity god here. I was thinking about how much time people spend sitting down and being inactive. The average human being only walks about 3,000-4,000 steps a day. That's horrible. Get up and go for a walk.

You're not meant to be machines.

Anyway, I had an epiphany 💡 

No, I haven't cracked the code to those mythical $50k months (yet), but I've stumbled upon something that could be a game-changer for you ↓

I call it the 3-3-3 content strategy. It's not a magic pill, but it's pretty damn close. Here's the lowdown:

3 pieces of content daily

Don't overthink this. A tweet, a LinkedIn post, a TikTok where you point at words - just ship it. Your first 100 pieces will probably make you cringe later. That's normal. Embrace the suck and keep going.

3 different platforms

Don't focus all your efforts on just one social media platform. Diversify your presence. Try Twitter, LinkedIn, and any other platform where your target audience spends their time. And yes, even Threads if that's where your people hang out.

3 months straight

90 days of consistent output. No breaks, no "but I'm not inspired" days. This is where you separate yourself from the "I'll start tomorrow" crowd.

Now, I can hear you groaning. "That's a lot of content!" Well, yeah. Did you think building an empire was going to be as easy as binge-watching Netflix? Don't worry—it gets easier. Trust me.

After 3 months, you'll have:

  • 270 pieces of content (aka 270 chances to go viral)

  • A presence on 3 platforms (diversification, baby!)

  • An audience that actually cares what you have to say

  • A stronger content creation habit

Pro tip: Use a content calendar. Plan your themes weekly. Batch create when you can. That random thought you had in the shower? Content. Your dog's judgmental stare? Content. Your existential crisis at 3 AM? You bet that's content.

Your audience is out there, mindlessly scrolling, waiting for YOUR content to wake them up from their digital coma. But they can't find you if you're not showing up consistently.

Commit to the 3-3-3.

Now go create something worth talking about. Preferably while standing.

Catch you on the next Deep Sesh,


P.S. If you found this valuable, share it with a fellow friend or creator.


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