Stop creating new content

Start repurposing (Like a boss)

You're probably wasting 80% of your content efforts.

Because you're not repurposing your best stuff.

There was a time in my life when I was drowning in content creation. Every. Damn. Day. I'd wake up thinking about content, go to sleep thinking about content, and somewhere in between, I'd churn out post after post like some kind of deranged content machine. You might relate to this… and I’m sorry.

If you're on this hamster wheel of endless creation, you're screwed. It's not sustainable, it's not smart, and it's definitely not necessary. I don't care if some "guru" told you about creating 25 new pieces of content a day – they're full of shit, and deep down, you know it too.

Let me repeat that → It’s not sustainable. You have to work smarter.

Let me paint you a picture of where this leads: Burnout. Crippling anxiety every time you open your content calendar. That sick feeling in your gut when you realize you've got nothing left to say. And worst of all? You'll start to hate the very thing that used to light you up.

this is you if you don’t listen to me

It doesn't have to be this way. I'm about to show you how to turn ONE solid idea into 50 pieces of content.

And trust me, your sanity (and your audience) will thank you for it.

The repurposing mindset

First things first: Stop thinking of content as one-and-done. That blog post? It's not just a blog post. It's a goldmine of tweets, LinkedIn posts, Reels, YouTube scripts, and more.

Why repurposing is your new best friend:

  • Save time (duh)

  • Consistent messaging across platforms

  • Reinforce your expertise

  • Reach new audiences

  • Boost SEO*

*The more content you have out there, the more chances you have to rank. Every piece is another hook for search engines to find you, build authority, and drive traffic.

The content hydra strategy

Remember the Hydra? Cut off one head, two more grow back. That's your new content strategy.

Here's how to turn one long-form piece into multiple pieces of content:

  1. Start with a pillar piece (blog post, podcast, or video)

  2. Extract key points for social media posts

  3. Turn stats or quotes into graphics

  4. Create a slideshow for LinkedIn or Instagram

  5. Write a thread

  6. Record a TikTok explaining a key concept

  7. Develop an infographic

  8. Craft an email newsletter (meta, right?)

  9. Host a live Q&A on the topic

  10. Create a lead magnet (checklist, cheat sheet, etc.)

That's 10 pieces from ONE idea. And we're just getting started.

Tools that'll save your ass

Let's cut the crap and get to the good stuff. Here are the tools + strategies I swear by:

1. Descript: Your secret weapon for video repurposing

Why: Edit video like you're editing a Google Doc. No joke.

Insider strategy:

  • Record a 30-minute deep dive on your topic.

  • Use Descript's "Remove Filler Words" feature to clean it up instantly.

  • Create a "Highlight Reel" of the best 2-3 minute segments.

  • Export these as separate videos for social media.

  • Transcribe the full video and boom – you've got a blog post.

Pro Tip: Use Descript's "Studio Sound" feature to make your audio sound like it was recorded in a professional studio, even if you're in your closet.

2. Notion: Your content brain on steroids

Why: It's a second brain for your content.

Here's how to set up your Content Vault:

  1. Create a database called "Content Vault"

  2. Set up the following properties:

    • Title (text)

    • Status (select: Idea, In Progress, Published, Repurposed)

    • Content Type (multi-select: Blog, Video, Social Post, etc.)

    • Platform (multi-select: Website, YouTube, Twitter, etc.)

    • Date Created

    • Date Published

  3. Create views:

    • Kanban board for visualizing your content pipeline

    • Calendar view for your content schedule

    • Table view for quick data entry

Want my Notion Content Vault template? Here's the link. It's free, because I'm not an asshole who charges for a simple database layout.

3. Hypefury: Turn one tweet into a content machine

Why: Automate your Twitter game without losing your voice.

Repurposing strategy:

  1. Write one solid, insight-packed tweet.

  2. Use Hypefury's thread generator to expand it into a 10-tweet thread.

  3. Set up auto-retweets of your best-performing tweets.

  4. Use the "Inspire" feature to throw into new content.

  5. Automatically cross-post your best tweets to LinkedIn or Threads.

4. Beehiiv: Monetize your knowledge like a pro

Why: It's not just an email tool, it's a money-making machine if you use it the right way.

Monetization strategy:

  1. Set up a free newsletter to build your audience.

  2. Use Beehiiv's analytics to identify your most engaged subscribers.

  3. Create a paid tier with exclusive content.

  4. Use the "Recommendations" feature to cross-promote with other newsletters and earn affiliate revenue.

  5. Leverage Beehiiv's native ads platform to sell sponsorships without the middleman.

Remember, tools are just tools. It's how you use them that counts. Start with one or two that solve your biggest pain points and go from there. Don't let shiny object syndrome derail you – focus on creating killer content first, then optimize your ass off.

The ROI of repurposing

Let's talk numbers. Here's a real example from one of my clients:

  • Original blog post: 1,000 views

  • Repurposed content (10 pieces): 10,000 total views

  • Time spent on original: 4 hours

  • Time spent repurposing: 2 hours

  • ROI: 400% increase in views for 50% more time

Translation: Repurposing is a cheat code.

Your action plan

  1. Audit your top 5 performing pieces of content

  2. For each, list 10 ways to repurpose (use the Hydra Strategy)

  3. Block 2 hours this week for repurposing

  4. Track views/engagement for 30 days

  5. Compare to your regular content. Prepare to have your mind blown.

Interesting news you might’ve missed

The bottom line

Creating new content all the time is a sucker's game. Smart marketers repurpose.

It's not about being everywhere. It's about being smart with your time and maximizing your impact.

Got questions? Hit reply. I want to hear your biggest repurposing challenge.

See you in the next edition,


P.S. If you're not repurposing this email into at least 3 social media posts, you're doing it wrong. Just saying.


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