How I made a boatload of money in my 20s

It's not what you think. I swear.

Hey. Remember when you thought making real money from content was just a pipe dream?

Yeah, I was there too. Grinding away, creating endless content, watching my bank account stay painfully stagnant. Some days, it was a big fat $0.

(Okay, full disclosure: I did start an agency back in college. Made decent money. It played a part in getting me here. But it wasn't enough. It was a side thing, eating up my time. Now? It's abandoned. Deprecated. Ancient history.)

But when I finally decided to step outside of myself and put myself out there, everything changed. I learned how to actually make money with content.

No agency. No 80-hour weeks.

Just me, my laptop, and a basic system I'm about to share with you.

Fair warning: This is pretty long. But stick with me, because by the end, you'll have a simple blueprint for turning your content into a legit money-printing machine.

LOL. Okay, maybe "money-printing machine" is a bit much. But you get the idea.

Quick reality check though: Just reading this won't magically fill your bank account. You actually have to, you know, do the work. Crazy concept, I know.

Here are the things you NEED to know (and actually do) if you want to make real money from your content:

1. Get real or go home

Those polished feeds? Dead. I once spent hours crafting the "perfect" post. Got 3 likes. My friend, my other friend I never talk to, and a bot.

Then I decided to share raw stories online instead. Boom. Thousands of likes + comments.

Authenticity sells. Period.

2. Struggling Steve

Stop writing for everyone. It's killing your conversions.

I write every piece of content for "Struggling Steve." He's 27, works a 9-6 he hates, and dreams of starting his own business. He's an ideal customer, and he's a real dude in my head.

Do this: Create your "Steve." Write only for them.

Why does this work? Simple:

  1. It's like texting a friend. Your writing becomes more natural.

  2. You solve real problems. You know Steve's struggles, so you address them directly.

  3. It cuts the fluff. You write only what Steve needs to hear.

When I started writing for Steve, my email opens jumped from 22% to 48%. And by the end of Q4, it’ll be at least be 15% higher. I’m confident.

How to do it:

  1. Picture your ideal reader. Give them a name.

  2. Write down their biggest fears and dreams.

  3. Next time you write, imagine explaining it to them over coffee.

That's it. No fancy techniques. Just you, talking to one person who needs your help.

Try it. Your content will hit different. Promise.

3. Content multiplication

I used to pump out 20 mediocre posts a week. Now? One killer piece, sliced and diced.

A formula you can steal:

  • 1 deep dive article

  • 1 video

  • 1 email newsletter

  • 5 tweets

  • 2 reddit posts

One idea, multiple platforms.

4. The "free gold" strategy

Okay, this might sound crazy, but hear me out: Give away your best stuff. For free.

"But that's how I make money!"

Listen. It’s simple:

  1. It builds trust. People see you actually know your stuff.

  2. It creates a "wow" factor. They think, "If the free stuff is this good, imagine the paid content!"

  3. It hooks people in. They get results and want more.

When I started doing this, my email list grew by approximately 85% in a month. No ads. Just free, valuable content.

How to do it:

  1. Pick your best tip or strategy.

  2. Share it in detail. Don't hold back.

  3. At the end, mention your paid stuff for those who want to go deeper.

It feels scary. But trust me, it works.

Give it a shot. What do you have to lose?

5. Build a value ladder, not a product

Stop thinking single products. Build an ecosystem:

  • Free content (social, blog)

  • $27 ebook

  • $297 course

  • $2000 coaching

Each level feeds the next.

6. The "boring" secret to success

Not sexy, but it works: Show up. Every. Damn. Day.

I posted daily for 365 days straight one year. Even on $0 days. Even with 0 views.

Consistency beats talent. Always.

Side note: Stop deleting the content that gets 0 views.

7. Problem-solving pays

Every piece of content = solve a problem.

Struggling with cold emails? Here's my 80% open rate template. X posts flopping? Try this 3-part formula.

Solve problems, sell solutions.

The richest people solve the biggest problems.

If you want to make money, just learn how to solve people’s problems.

8. Automate or die

I spent 80% of my time creating, 20% promoting. Now it's reversed.

My secret weapons:

  • Automated email sequences

  • Retargeting ads

  • Scheduled social posts

  • Analytics obsession

Set it, forget it, profit.

9. Collab to the top

Want 10X growth? Leverage others' audiences.

2 collabs a month minimum. You could do: Podcast swaps, co-written articles, joint webinars — whatever it is, do it.

Reach out to one person in your niche today. Worst case? They ignore you.

10. Always be testing

Markets change. Algorithms change. That haircut you thought was cool in college? Definitely changed.

Test everything:

  • Headlines

  • CTAs

  • Pricing

  • Formats

What worked yesterday might flop tomorrow. Stay hungry, stay foolish.

Look, this isn't always easy. There will be days when you'll want to chuck your laptop and become a sheep farmer in New Zealand (trust me, I've been there).

But push through. It’s worth it on the other side.

If you've read this far, you're serious about this. Good. Free stuff is coming your way soon.

Keep crushing it,



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